A Student’s Dictionary
“The limits of your language are the limits of your world” according to a quote by Ludwig Wittgenstein on the cover of the new “A Student’s Dictionary”. The dictionaries are part of the Verizon TelecomPioneers signature education project, to be provided to third-fifth graders in local schools.
Hug-A-Bears were created by the Pioneers in order to provide comfort to children in traumatic or unfamiliar situations. The bears are donated to public safety, fire, rescue and emergency medical personnel to be given to children.
Smart Bears
Smart Bears are similar to Hug-A-Bears, but are equipped with a book bag and a book to encourage reading in the home for children in kindergarten through third grade.
Heart Pillows
Heart Pillows are designed to give comfort to hospital patients recovering from open heart surgery and are distributed to local hospitals.
Hygiene Kit Donations Excelsior Chapter

Catholic Charities Domestic Violence and Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs were happy to receive donations of Care Kits for women, men, and children. According to Jackie Ward, Program Director of Domestic Violence Program “these Care Kits are very much appreciated in helping us assist the individuals that come to us for services. We are thankful that the Leatherstocking Club thought of our Programs at Catholic Charities.”
The Domestic Violence Program of Herkimer County provides assistance to victims of domestic violence throughout Herkimer County. The Domestic Violence Program of Herkimer County offers residential and non-residential services to victims/survivors of domestic violence, their children, and secondary victims (friend, parent, sister, etc.). In addition to safe housing they provide supportive individual counseling, advocacy and accompaniment with the criminal justice systems, housing, hospitals, human service agencies, and all areas as requested; information and referral; follow up services; and supervised visitation, transportation and OVS compensation claims assistance. A twenty-four-hour hotline is available for supportive services and crisis intervention at 315-866-0458.
The Runaway and Homeless Youth Program works with youth under the age of 21 who have run away from home, been kicked out of their home, or are homeless. The Runaway and Homeless Youth Program is the only service of its kind in Herkimer County and has assessment services available 24-hours a day. We provide services in the areas of temporary, emergency housing, crisis intervention, individual and family counseling, positive youth development, community outreach, life skills training, and mentoring. We also provide tangible items to youth in need, including clothing and personal care items. A 24-hour hotline is available at 315-866-1112.
Pictured accepting the Care Kits are: Front row, Catrina DVP; Midge Brandao Excelsior Chapter 98 President; Rachael Case Program Director RHY. Back row are Mike Markham Excelsior Chapter 98 Treasurer; Jackie Ward Program Director DVP; Jacquelyn Schmidt Leatherstocking Club Publicity; Don Peterson Leatherstocking Club President.